Sustainability & CSR Strategy and Reporting Fourthleap November 23, 2021
Sustainability & CSR Strategy and Reporting

CSR speaks to the corporation’s ethical responsibilities, whereas business sustainability speaks to sustaining systems over the long run.

Sustainability Reporting

To meet stakeholders’ growing need for information, companies are increasingly disclosing non-financial key performance indicators (KPIs) such as sustainability—i.e., environmental, social, and governance (ESG); and more. Our services help companies go beyond traditional financial reporting to deliver a more holistic view of corporate performance. The pace of societal change and environmental impact has increased dramatically and companies are experiencing the financial and economic impacts of changing stakeholder expectations. As a result, if sustainability issues are not effectively managed, they may have a negative impact on a company's operational performance and resilience.

We help companies tell their sustainability stories in creative and compelling ways targeted to key stakeholders, including employees, customers, suppliers, and investors. Our in-house graphic design team provides design complemented by deep sustainability subject matter knowledge - from traditional print formats to digital PDFs and websites with responsive design. We assist you in organizing your data into GRI reporting standards.

Sustainability Strategy & Guidance

While CSR activities are generally viewed as an onerous task or an imposed regulation, approaching this as a ‘tick-in-the-box’ process, may expose an organization to a variety of fraud risks, all arising from ineffective due diligence and poor monitoring.

We assist companies in all aspects of CSR planning, implementation and evaluation, thus optimizing the impact of your Corporate Social Investment (CSI). To do this, our experts are ready to work with you to achieve unbeatable CSR results.

Sustainability Capacity Building

Our customized training courses are built around knowledge, innovation and inspiration, to help ensure the training is impactful and facilitate the transfer of knowledge. Our professional instructors draw from their own experience in Sustainability, Carbon management and Responsible supply chain. The training modules designed by our experienced faculty include real examples that can be more related by the participants and can be customized to the needs of the organization.