Project Design & Development Fourthleap November 23, 2021
Project Design & Development

Purpose drives every business. With a clear strategy and a precise budget, your purpose turns into a daily pursuit for everyone in your organization. Team collaboration across functions and levels becomes second nature. Boxes get checked. Deadlines are met. Leadership can see where improvements are needed. Results begin to climb. And when the plan changes–because that’s just what plans do–you have the foresight and agility to shift directions. When a purpose is shared, it quickly becomes an accomplishment. We can help define not only what drives you, but how you bring a team together to realize your vision.

We design project, events, competitions and programs to fit your goals, aim and objectives from end to end (i.e) from project design to complete implementation & reporting

Needs assessment

we follow a systematic process to determine and address the needs, or gaps between current conditions and desired conditions or wants for the projects or initiatives you want to undertake. The discrepancy between the current condition and wanted condition must be measured to appropriately identify the need.

Feasibility studies

We will assess the practicality of a proposed project or system to objectively and rationally uncover the strengths and weaknesses. We will them be able to advice ultimately on the prospects and probability for success.

Development of Theory of change

We will work with you to create a standardized theory of change that defines long-term goals and then maps backward to identify necessary preconditions according to your strategies and established pathways.

Partnerships Fundraising & Grant Writing

Projects don’t happen on their own. Funds are always needed, we can work with you to identify potential partners, sponsors and donors who might be interested in your projects and initiatives. We would equally help you make a good case with such prospective partners and sponsors.

Implementation Management

We can equally help supervise the process of implementing your projects. Our core role would be advisory and overall supervision to ensure success.

Project Design (Ideas & Strategy)

Our team would work with your vision, mission and identity to come up with innovative project ideas that would help achieve your goals and objectives.